Learn a couple different ways to applique on your sewing machine in this technique class
Cost: $ 25.00
Class is for the Babylock 8-thread sergers OR Bernina 5 thread airlock sergers
Cost: $ 150.00
This is a pickup BOTM. Each block will be available during our First Thursday Club meeting or may be picked up each month after our First Thursday Club Meeting.
Cost: $ 19.95
Pay One time for a year of fun. It's a Mystery BOTM!
Cost: $ 79.95
Sewing Supplies
Machine, rotary cutter, ruler, marking pencils or chalk markers, pins, scissors (fabric and paper), thread to match fabric, bobbins for machine, seam ripper
Machine Embroidery Classes
sewing supplies (listed above), prewound bobbins or bobbins wound with embroidery bobbin thread, embroidery arm, embroidery hoops, stabilizer, applique scissors, embroidery thread to match design, and 505 spray.
- Classes MUST be paid for at time of registration
- Classroom opens 30 minutes prior to class time
Stewart's and its educators reserve the right to cancel classes due to low enrollment. Those registering for full classes will be placed on a waiting list on "first come" basis. Freelance Educators are paid directly with cash or check. If you wish to use a credit card for an educator, other than a Stewart's staff member, you will be charged a $2.00 processing fee. Classes cancelled by Stewart's or an educator will result in a full refund. Refunds will only be given to student 1 week or more prior to student canceling his/her class.